A Surfer's

An NFT Collection


Over a decade's worth of curated photography taken by an aspiring big wave surfer who advocates the tremendous value of focusing upon educational pursuits while chasing one's dreams.


Help fuel the movement behind utilizing Non Fungible Tokens (NFT's) as a means of financially supporting future professional surfers around the world.


This collection is PERMANENTLY LIMITED to 32 exclusive photographs.


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Unfortunately, after witnessing what’s occurred over the past 7 months within the cryptocurrency market, I’ve decided to suspend the NFT project until further notice. I’ll also be taking down the listings on OpenSea by this evening December 7th. My intention behind the idea was to facilitate a template that would enable an aspiring professional surfer to have a unique opportunity to gain financial support.


I thought it could be utilized in a similar way to Kickstarter for example where the average person could help fuel one’s early competitive career.However, with all the scams, cash grabs, and severe market corrections, I’m not confident that this is a safe platform to use until there is more regulation put in place. 


It’s quite sad to see the state of the cryptocurrency market at the moment. Especially when taking into consideration with what just happened to SBF and his noble exchange, FTX… In addition to suspending the project, I’ll also be making donations to the following organizations which I pledged to earlier this year;

*Surfers For Autism

*Mauli Ola Foundation

*Eddie Aikau Foudation

*Surfrider Foundation


Each foundation will receive $50 USD. I want to thank everyone who supported the project and has been following along this bumpy journey…



“A Surfer” 
































More available for viewing in the gallery!


From an early evening on the east side of town.


A sailboat had washed ashore overnight due to an engine failure and rough seas. 

Near Big Sur

Taken when camping off of the Big Sur Coast. This is one of my favorite breaks in the area despite the vibrant presence of marine wildlife.

0.23 Ethereum

Floor Price





Why NFTs?

It was always one of my dreams to be featured in a print copy of a surfing magazine while competing on the ASP World Tour (Association Of Surfing Professionals). Regrettably, numerous changes have befallen the surfing industry over the past fifteen years, not the least of which was the rise of social media, e-commerce, and the demise of print publications. Many companies have either had to adapt or close their doors. It was no small surprise when Surfer Magazine announced that they were discontinuing their print publications and essentially closing down full scale operations in 2017. One could certainly sense the end of an era and birth of another different, yet hopeful one.

After observing the challenges that professional surfers have had to encounter throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, I saw the utility behind advocating a medium in which an athlete can support themselves financially without the sole need of a sponsor. Many would find it quite baffling that our society has come to a point where a digital art piece can go for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of US dollars. However, this presents an opportunity that was not previously available. It’s yet to be seen whether the “NFT” movement will last and ultimately become part of mainstream commerce. For now, this avenue can assist those who may have been overlooked and help level the playing field, thus further supplying the World Surf League with skilled surfers from all walks of life.

Although skeptical of the NFT movement in the past, I now believe that our digital future has made it's potential a serious opportunity which could be extraordinarily beneficial to the surfing industry. Despite having several flaws that will eventually be resolved, NFT's are demonstrating an inherent value that may very well continue driving the technological evolution of art and sponsorship.


Yours Truly,

                "A Surfer


What is an NFT?

Essentially, an NFT or (Non-Fungible Token) is a smart contract that can model a variety of concepts which include real world applications and incentives.* 

One of the various ways to apply this technology includes the ability to trade digital artwork on whats called a blockchain ledger. Buyers can earn perks such as exclusive invites to private events and obtain lifetime discounts with the artist's affiliated partners. 

For example, if I were to win a series of competitions in the future, I could promise a designated percentage of the earnings to the owners of each project.

*To learn more about NFTs, please visit the following article from Forbes via this link, https://www.forbes.com/advisor/investing/nft-non-fungible-token/

Why should I Get Involved?

You will ultimately help facilitate the momentum necessary to introduce NFTs as a means of supporting one's professional athletic career. 

As we take stock of how the recent pandemic has effected the surfing industry, it's imperative that we help expand our athletes' horizons in terms of being able to adequately sustain their careers.







Who is the founder?

For the sake of the project's overall message in order to help "level the playing field", my identity will remain anonymous until further notice.




How will you give back?

We'll be donating around 10% of our profits from the original sales to a select few charitable organizations which are listed below.* 

-Surfrider Foundation

-Mauli Ola Foundation

-Eddie Aikau Foundation

-Surfers For Autism

*NOTICE: Final percentages will be announced and set before the auction takes place. 




Instagram Account: @surfersjourneynft

E-mail: info@surfersjourney.org

Purchasing Website: https://opensea.io/collection/asurfersjourney-collection

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A Surfer's Journey 2022. All rights reserved.

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